Manchester Packaging Company

Application for Employement

Please fill out the form completely.

You must be at least 18 years of age to work for Manchester Packaging Company.

By submitting this online application you agree that all information disclosed in this application is correct and any misleading or false information will automatically disqualify you from employment at Manchester Packaging Company.
Furthermore, you agree to a criminal background check and will submit to a pre-employement drug/alcohol screening.

Note, a positive criminal history does not automatically disqualify you from employment.

Middle: Last:

Have you ever been convicted, plead guilty, or nolo-contere to a
crime in the State of Missouri?

If Yes, When:

Explanation of Criminal Record:

High School: Location:
Year Attended: Graduate:

College: Location:
Years Attended: Graduate: Degree:

Military Service: If Yes, then:

Branch of Service: Rank:

Previous Employer #1: (Most Recent)


Start Date: End Date: Salary:


Reason for Leaving:

Previous Employer #2:


Start Date: End Date: Salary:


Reason for Leaving:


Previous Employer #3:


Start Date: End Date: Salary:


Reason for Leaving:

Reference #1:
Name: Phone:
Years Known: Type:


Reference #2:

Name: Phone:
Years Known: Type:


Reference #3:

Name: Phone:
Years Known: Type: